GROW Greater Shepparton (Growing Regional Opportunities for Work) is a collaborative program where business, government and community organisations are supported to work together to strengthen social and economic outcomes and increase job opportunities through procurement and employment across the Goulburn Valley.

An introduction to GROW Greater Shepparton

GROW Greater Shepparton seeks to support the growth of jobs and the regional economy, while targeting the achievement of employment outcomes for the key identified communities facing barriers to employment, helping ensure everyone can participate in a growing economy.

Launched in August 2018, and with the Committee for Greater Shepparton selected as the "backbone" organisation to lead the implementation, GROW Greater Shepparton is working towards the following objectives:


Objective 1

Maximising the impact of local and regional spend on economic output and jobs in the Greater Shepparton and Goulburn Valley Regions.

Objective 2

Creating sustainable employment opportunities for the following communities:

  • Young people (15-24yrs)
  • People with a disability
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Refugees and migrants
  • Long-term unemployed (unemployed for 12+ months)

it all begins with why

Underemployment is rising across Victoria, with most newly created jobs associated with the gig economy offering lower average wages, part-time hours and reduced protection for workers.

Across Greater Shepparton, workforce participation was only 56.4% (2018), under the Victorian rate of 60.5%.

With Greater Shepparton's Gross Regional Product growing by 3.5% (2018) it's clear we need to act now to enable locals to participate in this growing economy.

what are we doing?

Driven by strategic imperatives and with the support of local partners, GROW Greater Shepparton is embedding an innovative approach to local economic development to improve social impact in the region

  • Building a stronger regional economy
  • Increasing the number of local people employed in local jobs
  • Increasing employment opportunities for key target communities

how will we get there

GROW Greater Shepparton work as a catalyst and capacity builder, inspiring local actions, activating local collaborations and building the capacity of regional stakeholders to embed and sustain the GROW Greater Shepparton approach.

In this way, local regeneration, social impact and economic development will be sustained long term.

GROW Greater Shepparton seeks to drive change in how companies operating in the region do business, leading to improved social outcomes.

By building on local and social procurement and inclusive employment capability, GROW Greater Shepparton seeks to create:

  • 1 A stronger regional economy
  • 2 An increase in the number of local people employed in local jobs
  • 3 An increase in employment opportunities for target cohorts

How can you get involved?

There are several ways that you and your business can become involved in supporting GROW Greater Shepparton.

Compact Members

What does it mean to be a signatory?

GROW Greater Shepparton

Connect - Collaborate - Build - Jobs

For more information:


Lindy Nieuwenhuizen
Committee for Greater Shepparton

M: 0409 849 982

GrowGS Vic Gov
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GROW Greater Shepparton is proudly supported by Committee for Greater Shepparton.